تاريخ: 21/12/1403 - ساعت: 14:51


• Awards of "the First Hamghadam Short Film Festival"



The shortlisted films in the Norouz of Hamghadam short-film Festival "I" will be shown on the 25th and 26th of March 2010 from 14:00 to 21:30, in Ampitheatre B, Building B, University of Paris X (Nanterre). A talk will take place after each projection.
The screening of the winning films will take place, with the festival jury, at the Barbara Fleury Goutte d'Or Musical and Cultural Centre, 1 rue Fleury, Paris 75018 on Sunday the 28th March 2010 from 11:00 to 20:00. A talk will take place after each projection.

Best Film Prizes


First Prize for Best Film: Fiction (chosen by Michel Chion) - Hooshmand Varaei - Whistling Under Water


Second Prize for Best Film: Fiction (chosen by Michel Chion) - Hamid Jafari -Two, Three Other Days
Third Prize for Best Film: Fiction (chosen by Michel Chion) - Setareh Samavi -The Ominous Fortress



First Prize for Best Film: Experimental (chosen by Michel Chion) - Ayda Faeiz - Immortal Ahourani
Second Prize for Best Film: Experimental (chosen by Michel Chion) - Hooshmand Varaei - Kites Know No Chastity

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First Prize for Best Film: Documentary (chosen by Michel Chion) - Rouzbeh Kafi - The Eighth Day of Spring
Second Prize for Best Film: Documentary (chosen by Michel Chion) - Hassan Naghashi - Mashi and Mashianeh

Best Director Prizes


First Prize for Best Director: Fiction (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Hamid Jafari -Two, Three Other Days
Second Prize for Best Director: Fiction (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Hooshmand Varaei - Whistling Under Water
Third Prize for Best Director: Fiction (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Meisam Lotfali - MP5


First Prize for Best Director: Experimental (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Hooshmand Varaei - Kites Know No Chastity

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Second Prize for Best Director: Experimental (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Atefeh Khademolreza - Dream of the Dragonfly

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Third Prize for Best Director: Experimental (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Kazem Mollaie - Please Stay Away from the Red Line

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First Prize for Best Director: Documentary (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Sepideh Saffarian - Before Any Dawn is a Dusk for Me
Second Prize for Best Director: Fiction (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) -
Kaveh Ghahramani - River of Pain

Third Prize for Best Director: Fiction (chosen by Jean-Albert Bron) - Mehdi Rahmani - The Boys of Autumn

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Best Editing Pris


First Prize for Best Editing: Fiction (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Babak Behdad - The Letter

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Second Prize for Best Editing: Fiction (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Atefeh Khademoreza - Empty Fish Bowl

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First Prize for Best Editing: Experimental (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Vahid Vahed & Kazem Mollaie - Less

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Second Prize for Best Editing: Experimental (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Abbas Hosseinzadeh & Mohammad Bayesteh - Brandenburg Mary


First Prize for Best Editing: Documentary (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Naser Sayah - Noah's Ark


Second Prize for Best Editing: Documentary (chosen by Stéphanie Boring) - Dimitrios Tolios - River of Pain

Best Camera-Work Prizes

The members of our camera-work jury pay homage to Morteza Poursamadi for his work as principal cameraman in several of the films participating in Norouz d'Hamghadam's Short Film Festival no.1, 2010. His work was particularly noted by camera-work judge Alain Gaillard.
As the objective of this festival was to encourage, and show, the creativity and professionalism of younger Iranian practitioners (aged 20 - 40), the instances of his association have expressed to the jury the confirmed and widely-known status of Mr. Morteza Poursamadi in Iran, beyond the general artistic decisions of the Festival. For this reason the jury have abstained from judging the Mr. Morteza Poursamadi's work.


First Prize for Best Camera-Work: Fiction (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Keyvan Yousefi - Empty Fish Bowl

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First Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Mohammad Arzang - Suppose We Should Honour Death

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Second Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Ramtin Lavafipour - The Boys of Autumn
Third Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Majid Azadmanesh - The Bridge's Ballads

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First Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Ramtin Lavafipour - The Boys of Autumn
Second Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Hassan Naghashi -Mashi et Mashianeh
Third Prize for Best Camera-Work: Documentary (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Vahid Hosseinzadeh - Life's a River


First Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Kaveh Ghahraman - Dream of the Dragonfly

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Second Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Ali Loghmani - The Day of Creation
Third Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Alain Gaillard) - Ameneh Arbaboun - The Fall

First Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Kazem Mollaie - Less

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Second Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Hassan Naghashi - The Persian Tree
Third Prize for Best Camera-Work: Experimental (chosen by Fabienne Roussignol) - Amin Aslani - Get Your Coffee


Best Acting Prizes

First Prize for Best Acting: Fiction (chosen by Fabrice Scott) - Hossein Zargandi - Us and Them
Second Prize for Best Acting: Fiction (chosen by Fabrice Scott) - Fatemeh Ghasemi - The Midwife and the Call of the Forest

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Third Prize for Best Acting: Fiction (chosen by Fabrice Scott) - Siamak Meysaghi, Maryam Arabi et Zohreh Zahedi Kermani - MP

Best Direction of Actors Prizes

First Prize for Best Direction of Actors: Fiction (chosen by Maya Sansa) - Hamid Jafari - Two, Three Other Days
Second Prize for Best Direction of Actors: Fiction (chosen by Maya Sansa) - Zeynab Rajabbeygi - The Next
Third Prize for Best Direction of Actors: Fiction (chosen by Maya Sansa) - Babak Behdad - Letter

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Shortlisted Films 

Saeed Riyahifar
Expérimental, 3min, 2006

The Beautiful Life/ La Belle vie

Mohammadreza Roknaddini
Fiction, 4min, 2008

Before Any Dawn is a Dusk for Me/ Avant chaque crépuscule c’est l’aube pour moi

Sepideh Safariyan
Documentaire, 11min, 2008

Being/ Etre
Davood Marzizadeh
Documentaire, 6min, 2008

 «Blind Owl» Wedding Hall /

La salle de mariage  de la «chouette aveugle»
Farshid Akhlaghipour
Expérimental, 13 min, 2009

Border Zone/ La Zone frontalière

Mehdi Rahmani
Fiction, 16min, 2009

The Boys of Autumn/ Les Garçons de l’automne
Mehdi Rahmani
Documentaire, 27min, 2005

 Brandenburg Mary

Mohammad Bayesteh
Expérimental, 29min, 2008


Bridge/ Le Pont

Maryam Fakhimi
Expérimental, 2min, 2005

The Bridge’s Ballads/ Les Amoureaux du pont

Mehdi Rahmani
Documentaire, 18min, 2006

C’est la vie

Zohreh Zahedi/ Maryam Arabi
Fiction, 15min, 2009


Davood Marzizadeh
Expérimental, 16min, 2009

The Day of Creation/ Le Jour de la création
Soudabeh Mojaveri
Expérimental, 24min, 2008

The Days/ Les Jours
Shirin Barghnavard
Expérimental, 5min, 2009

Doubt/ Doute

Maryam Arabi
Fiction, 6min, 2009

Dream of the Dragonfly/ le Rêve de la libellule
Atefeh Khademolreza
Expérimental, 20min, 2008

The Eclipse/ L’Eclipse
Shirin Jahan Panah
Fiction, 9min, 2004

Eight Minutes More/ Huit minutes de plus

Zeinab Tadris Tabrizy
Expérimental, 11min, 2008

The Eighth Day of Spring/ Le Huitième jour du printemps

Roozbeh Kafi
Documentaire, 11min, 2008

Empty Fish Bowl/ Le Bocal vide du poisson
Atefeh Khademolreza
Fiction, 13min, 2008

The Fall/ La Chute
Amir Mehran
Expérimental, 8min, 2009

From a Young Girl’s Diary/ Du Journal intime d’une jeune fille

Mohammadreza Roknaddini
Fiction, 6min, 2008

Generation/ Génération

Amin Dorostkar
Fiction, 5min, 2008

Get Your Coffee/ Prend ton café
Pooyan Kazemi
Expérimental, 12min, 2005

Hidden/ Caché

Laleh Barzegar
Expérimental, 5min, 2007

Immortal Ahourani/ L’ Immortel Ahourani

Aida Faizjafari
Expérimental, 12min, 2003

Soudabeh Mojaveri
Documentaire, 28min, 2006

Kites Know No Chastity/ Les Cerfs-volants ne connaissent pas la chasteté
Hooshmand Varaei
Expérimental, 30min, 2008

Letter/ La Lettre
Babak behdad
Fiction/Documentaire, 15min, 2005

Life River/ La Rivière vivante

Jamal Oskuei
Documentaire, 16min, 2008

The Lizard Dances/ Les Danses du lézard

Dariush Nehdaran
Expérimental, 2min, 2008

Lullaby for After/La Berceuse pour après
Sepideh Berenji
Fiction, 15min, 2009

Mashi and Mashianeh
Hassan Naghashi
Documentaire, 15min, 2004

Maternal/ Maternel
Marjan Riahi
Documentaire, 24min, 2001

Memory of a Day/ Mémoire d’un jour

Kaveh Ghahreman
Fiction, 12min, 2009

The Midwife and the Call of the Forest/ La Sage-femme et l’appel de la forêt
Marjan Ashrafizadeh
Fiction, 27min, 2009

Minus/ Moins
Kazem Mollaie
Expérimental, 13min, 2009


Meisam Lotfali
Fiction, 7 min, 2009

The Next/ Le Prochain

Zeinab (Mahdis) Rajabbeigi
Fiction, 12min, 2009

Noah’s Ark/ L’Arche de Noé
Soudabeh Babagap
Documentaire, 25min, 2003

The Ominous Fortress/ Le Château fort vicieux
Setareh Samavi
Fiction, 16 min, 2008 

Out of Focus/ Hors focus

Milad & Sajad Sotoudeh
Documentaire, 15min, 2009


Mahnaz Rokni
Documentaire, 30min, 2009


Mohsen Ramezanzadeh
Documentaire, 26min, 2009

Persian Tree/ L’Arbre Persan
Hassan Naghashi
Expérimental, 17min, 2006


Please Stay Away from the Red Line/ S’il vous plaît, éloignez-vous de la ligne rouge
Kazem Mollaie
Expérimental, 30min, 2008

Return/ Le Retour
Mohammadreza Jahan Panah
Fiction, 11min, 2008

River of Pain/ La Rivière de la peine

(Reka Bola)
Kaveh Ghahraman
Documentaire, 18min, 2007

Seven Angels/ Sept anges
Mohammad Hossein Jaladat
Expérimental, 15min, 2008

Silver/ Argent
Mohammad Bayesteh
Expérimental, 15min, 2008

Suppose We Should Honour Death/

On dirait qu’il faut respecter la mort
Farshid Akhlaghipour
Documentaire, 21min, 2009

The Tenth Day Palm/ Le Dixième jour du palmier

Babak Behdad
Documentaire, 25min, 2006

Towards the Tree of Life/ Vers l’arbre de la vie
Mohsen Ramezanzadeh
Documentaire, 10min, 2006

Two- Three Other Days/  Deux- trois autres jours
Hamid Jafari
Fiction, 30min, 2003


Us and Them/ Nous et eux
Ali Azhari
Fiction, 14min, 2009


Mina Mashhadi Mahdi
Documentaire, 17min, 2008

What You Are About to See is What You Are Seeing Now/
Ce que vous voyez, c’est ce que vous êtes entrain de voir

Milad & Sajad Sotoudeh
Fiction, 15min, 2008

Whispers/ Chuchotement
Mohammadreza Jahan Panah
Expérimental, 2min, 2009


Whistling Under Water/ Siffler sous l’eau
Hooshmand Varaei
Fiction, 15min, 2009

Hassan Naghashi
Expérimental, 17min, 2007