Date: 22 Oct, 2024 - Time: 20:37


• Please Stay Away From The Red Line

Film Biography:

Original tape : Dv Cam - (16:9 - Letter Box)
Speed : 25 fps
Film language: Persian
Black & White
Time : 30 Min
Product of 2008

About the film: ( instead of the summary of the film )

It is about a dumb youth or a self-wanted dumb youth…as he says, he is really lonely and pensive…generally he is really disagree and he has a bitter and negative look toward his circumference and also he is so sensitive…

His pry and attention from childhood till now,make him more sensitive and it leads to separate him more and more from other people…

Nevertheless he is dumb or mute and he doesn’t start to talk to anybody, but during the film we will hear his inner voice through narration…

Dumb but yet talkative and strict with negative thoughts, although these characteristic,he stays with a specific space from the red lines…

He is a sample of contemporary human that is unable against the society and he talks to people less but more to himself…

Although you see some real events of this person ‘usual life , adventures slowly become mixed to his psychic thoughts and it leads to an unreal sphere…

In the film, Some pictorial schemes are added to this psychic and unreal sphere to shape a tenuous border between reality and unreality, like the film character that is not a specific border between being dumb or not …
This text is arrayed instead of the summary of the film … ( Download Dialogue List )

Credits :

Cast : Mohammad Akbari - Behrooz Dadvar - Seyyed Javad Moosavian - Mahboobeh Ganji - Hasan Eslami - Zeynab Sadat Feiz Abadi - Behrooz Afshari
Directing Crew : Vahid Golkar - Behrooz Afshari
Stage & Costume Designer : Mohammad Akbari
Cinematographer & Sound Recorder: Kazem Mollaie
Editor : Mojtaba Esmaielzadeh - Kazem Mollaie
Music : Babak Mirzakhani - Farshad Pasdar
Sound Designer : Mojtaba Esmaielzadeh
Production Manager : Ali Alavi
Still Photographer : Behrooz Afshari ( see those HERE )
Behind Stage Camera Man : Vahid Golkar
Special Effect : Reza Vojdani
Title Designer : Amir Mehran
Advertiser : Iman Arzi
Translator : Shadi Sadat Tayyebi
Thanks : Seyyed Norollah Razavi - Abbas Behnami Far - Hosein Behnami - Ali Akbari - Gholamreza Mollaie - Nasim Mollaie - Hamid Saiedi - Peyman Tavasoli - Jalal Anvari - Sam Moshaver - Omid Abedi Nia - Seyyed Hadi Zarghani - Mehdi Farmanbar - Naser Rezaie - Mohammad Golrokh - Reza Shoja Moghadam - Yaser Entezami - Kiarash Asadi Zadeh - Navid Mahmoodi - Rahman Haseli - Arash Rahim Zadeh - Abolfazl Managhebi - Q.mars Kalami - Alireza Mir Asadollah - Mana Ghandi - Akram Bidi - Ebrahim Soofi - Mohammad Bayesteh - Javad Ghale Noie

Producer, Author , Director : Kazem Mollaie

Please Stay Away From The Red Line

Festivals & Awards :

1- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is chosen as the Best Film / Director / Cinematographer / Editor / Stage Designer / Actor & Sound Designer (And Thanks about Script & Music) of the " 8th Khorasan Film & Photography Festival " in IRAN - June 2008

2- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) was Candidate of the Best Experimental Short Film / Script / Cinematography/ Editing & Sound Designing, in " The Great 12th Festival Of Iranian Cinema ". This film is chosen as the Best Cinematography & Editing in this festival. (The First Independent Ceremony of Short Film ) - in Tehran – August 2008

3- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is entered to the competition section of the " The Sixth and the Last Experimental International Film Festival -flEXiff " in Australia - September 2008

4- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is entered to the competition section of the " 10th International Panorama of Indepedent Filmakers Festival " in GREECE - October 2008

5- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is entered to the competition section of the " 8th Beirut International Film Festival " in LEBANON - October 2008

6- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) Has been selected to participate to the GENEVA SELECT MARKET of the " 14th CINEMA TOUS ECRANS International Film Festival " in SWITZERLAND – November 2008

7- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is entered to the “ 6th IMAGE OF THE YEAR Festival / Picturing the Artist Film Festival “ - in Tehran - December 2008

8- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is entered to the " Film Front International Film Festival " (Kino Klub) in SERBIA / Novi Sad –December 2008

9- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) Has been selected to participate to the “ 4th Shadow Short Film Festival “ in Tehran - December 2008

10- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) Has been selected to participate to the " 7th Karachi International Film Festival " ( 7th KaraFilm Festival ) in PAKISTAN – February 2009

11- Showing (Please Stay Away From The Red Line) with Session Review in the "Shahid bahonar University" in Kerman - (Appreciation of the director) - IRAN / December 2009

12- ( Kazem Mollaie ) is chosen as the 3rd Director (for Please Stay Away From The Red Line) in " The First Hamghadam Short Film Festival " (Experimental Category) - in Paris - FRANCE –  March 2010

13- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line) is chosen as the Best Experimental Script  in " The First  Iranian Youth National festival " (Experimental Category) - Tehran - IRAN /  July 2010

14- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line ) is entered to the competition section of  "The 1st Tasvire Standard Film Festival"  - IRAN - Tehran / December 2010

15- ( Please Stay Away From The Red Line ) is entered to the competition section of  "4th International Urban Film Festival"  - IRAN - Tehran / May 2011

16- Competition Section in the " First Soore Short Film Festival " - IRAN / November 2011

17- Showing (Please Stay Away From The Red Line) in the "Sooreh Art University" in Tehran (Tribute to Director) - IRAN / April 2013

Kazem Mollaie & Mohammad Akbari - Still

Diector's note :

First of all, I choose its name. Before writing the film script, I am actually engaged with the subject .I do not want to expand it just in my bedroom. Therefore I start to walk, I get on a taxi and I observed my environs carefully.
I don’t pass by anything without attention. I am like a thief. I thieve. Suddenly I see some events wink at me to participate in my film. I write down their names quickly.
I keep them in the fridge and check them out the next month. Most of them have lost their quality and taste and also the freshness. I lead them into the recycle bin.
I put the healthy ones on the floor. i want to solve out my puzzle. I strongly opposed to the time. I want to make a short film. I do not know what I am doing right now, I just know that I am doing the best. I do want to make it. I strongly become passionate and I use my camera with the help of the form. Because of doing all this with pencil, I start to erase my mistakes while editing.
From the beginning, I knew that some mistakes can not be erased. My movie is made. I really enjoy watching it.

I choose its name :”please stay away from the red line”, a sentence that is heard by the personals of the train station. If you step out the line, you might be hurt or even lose your life. It is also practical in our real life. If you step out the lines,you might be punished by law, you might be hurt, lose your job and social position or even your life.
Custom-morality-politics-religion or even the governmental issues have circles around themselves that are thinner and also more red in our country.

Our hero is really a lonely person. he is honest. As he says: he is depressed and lonely, so he is also a negative person. He thinks this loneliness is due to his living condition. in his viewpoint most people and coincidences are bitter, boring, monotonous and sometimes pathetic. he becomes more and more far from the others.
He is silent. he shows himself as a dumb person. he is a mute person. Although before he break his sweet mug, we hear his voice along the film that is so critical.
He is also so curious and watchful like me. My friends say that it is me.
Suddenly you feel that his strong attention towards his world makes him separated from the others? He cares more about dark colors .nothing can be find unless disappointment and bitter taste.
It is a black and white movie. A black and white movie for a black and white man. This movie may be about you. i told you that this film is about me, about my friends, the ones that the environs decides for them instead of being able to decide for themselves. i wish I could understand the meaning of “the world belongs to me”. (“not I belong to the world”).
Perhaps after watching this movie, you also say that this character is very special and unique but I say that it is not. In my viewpoint everybody is unique and special, you just need to gather all their best seconds together to reach my word, just omit some parts and rasp it well.

This film is about a real person. This film is unreal. I just remind you that there is a narrow border between the reality and dream and this film is full of lies with a positive intention. This film doesn’t have any message, any formal story. It is not an amazing movie so the audiences are the ones that are related to the cinema. the ones that are interested in the movies as an art not like my mom.

I do not want to talk about my film anymore because if you talk about your work very clear, it is like pouring cold water on your film. in this way, you limit the framework of your film for the audiences.
It is better to let the film talks. It is really interesting to know your viewpoints. I want to know more about the way I think and also my film.

Seyyed Javad Moosavian

Narration & dialogues :

1) I am a lonely person …a depressed person ... these are collected from the seashore by a lonely person … I hear the sound of the sea .
2) It is here, in my wallet …my mum …subway ticket … Telephone card , ATM card , The guarantee card of my eyeglasses , and one of the receipt of the ATM .
- This is my yahoo mail page … There is just one Email in my Inbox. Also there is no commercial emails in my Bulk , this is why I say I am a very lonely person .
- There are so many people in my Yahoo Messenger list , but I have made them myself … I am not in the mood to chat with liars.
- By the way , I hate these people who count the money they get from ATMs!
3) This is me … I am sleeping … I am dreaming .
4) I have mugs…I have ashtrays … I have so many plates … but I like this the most… but I like this the most … but I like this the most… I am not a thief … I am studying for my masters degree in English Translation, and I bring home everything I like .

8) In the morning , when I wake up , as soon as my eyes face the ceiling , my heart starts aching .
9) I watch movies a lot … I wish there were no Time Codes in movies, you just think when the movie is going to end .
- I like the classic movies the most ,those black and white movies, the ones which are silent and mute.
- I am not a lover of Chaplin, but I feel that the movies which have less dialogue and people are not talking all the time , are more worthy …
- I wish people become engaged in eating not to have time for talking …
- Because of my eyes , I keep close to the TV screen , besides football I also watch the news but I notice to this woman the most, I observe her carefully to find what actions she uses for each word …
I like number 7 very much .
10) This … is me. Eye examination in my childhood! …since childhood, I have liked to look around my environment carefully … carefully … And for me the most important question was that " why people see one of everything although they have 2 eyes? "
- That I found the answer later .
11) I read books a lot … I wish books did not have page number … when I am reading a book, I am just concentrating on the page number in order to know "when it is going to finish? "
12) In my viewpoint , the best bathroom is the bathroom of each person's own house … I leave the door of the bathroom open … you can easily hear the sound of my yellow urine … I know that I have to close the door of the bathroom , it is not ethically right , but … but I am a lonely person !
13) when I’m free, I try to fill my free time …a matches … I let it slowly …and when I can't tolerate it … yes , I throw it away in the ashtray …
- Or I may draw the rain …the rain…babble …babble …babble …or I try to have 6-6, And when I am so lonely , I call my cell phone from outside , or I call my cell phone from home … or from outside I call home … or I call home from my cell phone … I don't know , it makes me feel good , it is like I have to say something to someone or someone is waiting for my call …
- oh , I forgot to say , or from home I call my next door neighbour. One day , my opposite neighbour was telling my upper neighbour that it’s been so many years they have gone from Iran .
15) people who do not meddle in my work… like my bathroom … the bathroom of my own house … I do not know, like my Oxford Dictionary, I really like them… But now that I am free, I really have a bad feeling … I wish now there was a telephone call , or the sound of knocking at the door , a landlord , an Electricity inspector …
- No one knows my phone number… I just keep in touch with my mother by writing letters and the landlord knows that he has to come in person .
- Hello … is it the Municipality ? …hello ?
- hello …is it the municipality ? why do not you answer me , sir ?… hello ? … why don't you…
16 )
- (directory enquires ) : directory assistant number 126…hello?
- ( emergency service ): the line is busy…please call later.
- ( foreign exchange info ):American Dollar is bought 913 in Rials, it is sold …
- (subway info ): Good evening…In the Name of God…hello…welcome to the subway telephone enquiries in Tehran…
- ( Time info ) : It is 16:31…It is 16…
- you are calling to number 113, to intelligence organization in Tehran …
- the number you are calling is wrong, please attend and call.

18 ) Hi …
I never find out why these drivers do not reply to your greeting ! … some drivers talk to you a lot in order to get more fare and make you shy to protest… I really like to shoot a bullet in these empty people's head… like the movies !
- I bet this girl who is too shy to buy pad from a drugstore, is thinking of the fare at the moment… what to say if the driver asks for more fare ?

- everybody is worried, maybe a boy who is sitting next to him , is … his leg to her leg … oh my God ! I hate these thoughts …
19) I hate the smell of cigarettes… I hate a computer error … people on the pavement who walk close to you from behind and take your shoes off…even blind do not push people!
- That's right !
- Of people who ask the time …want matches … How much exactly does it cost ? Of people who give you a chewing gum instead of your change … Of tick tock … Water drops … Jam … I don't know ! … I think we all should consult with a psychologist .

21) I wrote for him a lot this week … I wrote about myself… but it seems that I was just noticing his eyeglasses … I felt his eyeglasses frame is changed …
- Go on …
- last week ,the eyeglasses were not these.
- I also hate to see that a strange sticky thing is challenging between someone's lips while he is talking … This man is my psychologist !
- you are brilliant.
- why I am brilliant? …do you think I am a sheep or you are?
Because of this sentence , it was the last time that I came here !
- take care !
- I also hate this sentence … Mr psychologist , Doesn’t this sentence itself cause stress? what is going to happen ?
23) Anyone has got a watch ?
-You don’t have a watch either?
- nope…
- Don’t you have matches?
- I said that … I hate to ask the time …ask for matches … and specially the smell of cigarette …
24 ) This is me … I am sleeping … my eyes , my ears , my arms,my legs , my fingers , my teeth , my lungs , so many parts of my body … like couples… slept together … but me !

29 ) I just hate the smell of cigarette … Today I finally fell in love … fell in love with one of my classmates… she is so sweet… she writes " 7 " like this…
30 ) Today is the fourth day that I'm in love and I don’t have any appetite to eat… At the moment , I am trying to cry … But I can not cry even after looking at the lamp for long time ! … It's not working.
31) This is me … I'm not sleeping …I am thinking of sweet 7 … I am waiting for her call .
32) This is me … I'm not sleeping …I am thinking of sweet 7 !

34 )Now a days, I just use the subway … I like it very much ! … because of not being on the ground … It is full of people who are sad , quiet and lonely ! I don't feel lonely here ! but I just hate 2 things of the subway … The first one is this man's breath that is touching my face from those 2 holes of his nose … The second reason is that all the people in the subway think that they are very important… When the train stops , all these liars get out of the station rapidly and hurriedly , as if … just leave it…
- When I want to cross the street , I feel that I will really have an accident this time … This suspense has been in me since I was a little child , since the time when my name was as the first name in all teachers' list!
- Today I wrote for my mum not to forget to send me money .
35 ) Directory assistant number 313: Hello ?...
- Directory assistant number 313 , Hello ? …
- Hello , excuse me , I am directory Assistant number 313 … You 've called here twice and hanged up the telephone …hello?...hello?...
- ( Time info ) : It is 22:10 …
- Oh My God ! … What a nightmare! … I don't care … It is important that it is 10:10 and I can make a wish … My God , I wish that my dear " 7 " calls me now … My God , I like that now , my dear " 7 " calls me …
- Sleep sweet until my wish comes true… And if you die , don't will to bury you in Japan because … Oh … By the way , Although I have read so many books , I don't know why in all clock advertisements , the time is 10:10 ?

36) I have mugs … but I like this the most … I have mugs … but I like this the most …

41) The man who is wearing a cap … stay away from the red line .

Please Stay Away From The Red Line

Last Update: 2013-05-22